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Hands Up

Research & Statistics

Don't enough recovery centers already exist?

What makes Legacy different from other programs in the area?

Why is Legacy's focus on women only?

America is in the midst of an acute alcohol and drug addiction crisis... based on our review of extensive evidence-based research on addiction that follows, it is clear that religion and spirituality—which we refer to collectively as faith—are exceptionally powerful, integral, and indispensable resources in substance abuse prevention and recovery.

Source: Grim, B.J., Grim, M.E. Belief, Behavior, and Belonging: How Faith is Indispensable in Preventing and Recovering from Substance Abuse. J Relig Health 58, 1713–1750 (2019).

Sobriety success rates of faith-based recovery programs based on surveys conducted one year after residents completed respective programs and met required criteria; Adult and Teen Challenge: 86%; Hoving Home for Women: 84%.

Source: Jacksonville Women’s Rehabilitation website, August 2019


Connecticut’s recovery and treatment centers offer short term treatment programs only and little to none residential faith-based recovery options for women.

Source: SAMHSA (U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) 2020 Roster/Locator


$316 Billion dollars was saved last year by faith recovery efforts.

Source: Beth Grecco, CEO of Hoving Home, from a  lecture given during Nonprofit Accelerator Showcase, Dallas, TX, September 2019.

26,000 women die annually in the US from alcohol-related causes.

Source: CDC, 2018

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